Access, Quality and Use in Reproductive Health 2003-2008
Meridian was the lead partner for communications and marketing activities on the ACQUIRE project. Meridian communications team designed, developed, implemented and managed individual communications initiatives in 8 developing countries; Ghana, Guinea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Bangladesh and Honduras. For all projects, Meridian used multiple channels of communication and customized messages within a social, cultural and gender sensitive context for each country. All communication materials were pre-tested for relevance and acceptability.
In addition to working with mass media, communication campaigns included roadshows and marketplace performances that were developed jointly with the event marketing agency and other stakeholders involved in the execution (e.g. health workers, peer educators, other partners that coordinated community outreach). In terms of Public Relations events/materials, Meridian staff created launch events, press releases, project presentations, speeches, and media kits.
The ACQUIRE project goal was to advance and support RH/FP services worldwide with a focus on facility-based and clinical care. ACQUIRE provided assistance to USAID Missions and host-country counterparts, including public, NGO and private sector agencies, to expand access and utilization of RH/FP services
EngenderHealth was the Prime contractor for ACQUIRE; other partners included Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), CARE, IntraHealth International, and the Society for Women and AIDS in Africa (SWAA).