Malaria IRS

Africa Malaria Indoor Residual Spraying (2009-2014)

As a partner on USAID’s malaria program to expand indoor residual spraying (IRS) in sub-Saharan Africa, Meridian staff was based in the Nairobi office and was responsible for providing technical support in Information, Education and Communication (IEC).  Meridian developed an overall Communications Strategy for implementing countries; this document provided a guideline on how to conduct community mobilization activities in an IRS program. Meridian also developed other educational materials and participated in the revision of the IEC Mobilizer Training Guide.  Meridian staff traveled to each implementing country to work with local staff, providing guidance and technical assistance.  Meridian was responsible for the IEC activities in Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, and Kenya.

The project’s goal was to halve (approximately 450 million people) the burden of Malaria in 70% at risk populations within 5 years (2009-2014) in Sub Saharan Africa thereby removing malaria as a major public health problem and promoting economic growth and development throughout the region.

RTI International was the prime contractor.

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