Social Marketing
Meridian staff have developed cutting edge Health Care Social Marketing models for over 25 years. With extensive experience in the private sector, Meridian’s marketing and communication experts have helped the donor community use commercial approaches to market health products and services in 20 countries throughout Asia, the Middle and Far East, Central Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
We are the lead partner to Bayer Pharmaceuticals on the Contraceptive Security Initiative (CSI), which provides access to Microgynon Fe, a quality hormonal contraceptive pill, at an affordable price, on a sustainable and permanent basis through the commercial sector.. This new partnership venture, a Global Development Alliance with USAID has already launched in nine African countries and is planning to launch in another two countries by the end of the first quarter 2016.
Meridian’s expertise includes:
- Strategic Planning and Market Segmentation
Meridian’s approach for all clients, programs and projects is grounded in the private sector disciplines of strategic planning such as clearly identifying business objectives and strategies, understanding market segmentation, targeting market niche potential and working effectively with clear budget parameters.
- Market Research
Meridian staff have over 20 years of experience is planning, designing and supervising studies such as In-depth Interviews and Focus Groups, quantitative studies such as Advertising/ Communication Campaign Evaluations, Pre-Post Use Product Evaluations, KAP (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice) Studies, Consumer Behavior Tracking Studies and Pricing Evaluation Studies.
- Advertising
With over 20 years of experience in the field, Meridian staff have developed award-winning advertising campaigns in Africa, Latin America and Asia for a wide range of consumer products and services.
- Media Planning and Campaign Execution
Meridian has extensive Media Planning experience in the US and Europe as well as in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East and is therefore able to help clients maximize their marketing effort.
Within the global health community, Social Marketing has long been recognized as an efficient and effective means of increasing access to quality health products and services to those living in developing countries. Social marketing programs use the private sector infrastructure to maximize access to quality products and services and often partnerships are formed with the private sector to achieve cost-effectiveness.