Contraceptive Security Initiative
Meridian and Bayer HealthCare, in partnership with USAID, are working to alleviate the gap between the demand for contraceptive products and the ability of donor funding to provide commodities. The Bayer Contraceptive Security Initiative (CSI) ensures affordability and sustainable access to Microgynon Fe, a quality hormonal contraceptive.
This initiative is ensuring contraceptive availability through the following approaches:
- Addressing contraceptive security through a public-private partnership
- Making combined oral contraceptives more affordable and available in the private sector
- Providing couples with information on oral contraceptives
- Engaging local stakeholders
Meridian is responsible for developing communications strategies and campaigns to support advertising and marketing. We work closely with local advertising agencies in order to develop culturally appropriate messages and materials to increase awareness and accurate product knowledge.
The initiative currently reaches multiple countries in Sub-Saharan Africa including Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Nigeria, and Burkina Fiasco.