Our Partners
Meridian’s partners are essential to our work on improving the health and development of women and workers around the world. We are grateful to their support and engagement on issues of great importance.
Our current and former partners include:
Bayer Pharmaceuticals
Better Work Programme (ILO/IFC)
Business for Social Responsibility HERproject
The Calvert Group
Greene Link
HRA Pharma
Levi Strauss & Co.
Levi Strauss Foundation
Pathfinder International
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Population Council
Proctor & Gamble
RTI International
United Nations Global Compact
Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP)
Amanco (Peru)
APROFAM (Guatemala)
Aga Khan University (Pakistan)
Boticas Torres de Limatambo (Peru)
Caribbean Island Apparel (Haiti)
Egyptian Family Planning Association
Ethos Institute (Brazil)
Indicoat Shoe Accessories (India)
Medical Women’s Association of Tanzania
National Association of Peer Educators (Kenya)
CounterSourcing (Bangladesh)
Pepsico Indico Holding Private Limited (India)
Phulki (Bangladesh)
Uganda Baati
Unilever Tea Kenya, Ltd.
Unilever Tea Tanzania, Ltd.
Stanbic Bank (Uganda)